FTC Expected to File Antitrust Lawsuit Against Amazon as Soon as This Month

FTC Expected to File Antitrust Lawsuit Against Amazon as Soon as This Month

September 13, 2023: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is expected to file an antitrust lawsuit against Amazon this month, alleging that the company has abused its market power to harm competition.

The lawsuit culminates a years-long investigation into Amazon’s business practices. The FTC is reportedly focusing on three main areas:

  • Amazon’s use of data from third-party sellers to compete with them.
  • Amazon’s control of the retail marketplace which gives it an unfair advantage over smaller competitors.
  • Amazon’s use of Prime to lock in customers and make it difficult for them to switch to other retailers.
  • If the FTC is successful in its lawsuit, it could force Amazon to change its business practices or even break up the company.

Here are some actional and practical takeaways from the article:

  • The FTC is expected to file an antitrust lawsuit against Amazon this month.
  • The lawsuit alleges that Amazon has abused its market power to harm competition.
  • The lawsuit could force Amazon to change its business practices or break up the company.

Here are some additional details about the lawsuit:

  • The FTC has been investigating Amazon for years.
  • The lawsuit is expected to be filed in federal court in Washington, D.C.
  • The lawsuit is likely to be met with fierce legal challenges from Amazon.

How to protect yourself from Amazon’s monopoly power:

  • Shop at different retailers, not just Amazon.
  • Support small businesses.
  • Be aware of the terms and conditions of Amazon’s Prime membership.



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