Jamf CIO Jason Shepherd Says Collaboration is One of the Biggest Challenges in IT

Jamf CIO Says Collaboration is One of the Biggest Challenges in IT

September 08, 2023: Jamf CIO Says Collaboration is One of the Biggest Challenges in IT. Jason Shepherd, the CIO of Jamf, a macOS management company, has said that collaboration is one of the biggest challenges in IT. He made the comments in a recent interview with IT Pro Today.

“Collaboration is a challenge because it requires people from different teams and departments to work together,” Shepherd said. “This can be difficult because people often have different priorities and goals. Finding time to collaborate can also be difficult, especially when everyone is busy.”

Shepherd said that there are several things that IT organizations can do to improve collaboration. These include:

  • We are creating a shared vision for IT.
  • We are developing clear goals and objectives.
  • We are investing in collaboration tools and technologies.
  • We are creating a culture of collaboration.
  • We are providing training on collaboration tools and technologies.
  • “By taking these steps, IT organizations can improve collaboration and make it easier to achieve their goals,” Shepherd said.

Here are some key takeaways from the article:

  • Collaboration is one of the biggest challenges in IT.
  • There are several things that IT organizations can do to improve cooperation.
  • These include creating a shared vision for IT, developing clear goals and objectives, investing in collaboration tools and technologies, creating a culture of collaboration, and providing training on collaboration tools and technologies.

Here are some actional and practical takeaways from the article:

If you are an IT professional, you can help to improve collaboration by:

  • Communicating openly and regularly with your colleagues.
  • Being willing to share information and ideas.
  • Being supportive and understanding of others’ perspectives.
  • Using collaboration tools and technologies effectively.

If you are a manager, you can help to improve collaboration by:

  • Creating a culture of collaboration in your team.
  • Providing training on collaboration tools and technologies.
  • Providing opportunities for your team members to collaborate.


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