US Launches Probe into Fisker's Car Brake Issue

US Launches Probe into Fisker's Car Brake Issue

May 13, 2024 : The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has initiated a preliminary investigation into potential safety concerns with the braking system of Fisker Inc.’s (FSRN) Ocean electric SUVs. This development comes in response to complaints alleging unintended automatic emergency braking (AEB) activation in these vehicles.

The NHTSA’s Office of Defects Investigation (ODI) received eight complaints from Fisker Ocean owners. These complaints allege that the AEB system, designed to automatically apply brakes in situations of imminent collision, malfunctioned by activating without a clear obstacle in the vehicle’s path. This resulted in sudden deceleration events, potentially increasing the risk of accidents.

The severity of the reported incidents appears to vary. According to the NHTSA investigation report, some complaints described near-miss collisions or situations where drivers were forced to take evasive maneuvers to avoid rear-end collisions due to unexpected braking. Three complaints went further, alleging that the malfunction resulted in injuries.

This investigation marks the second instance within a few months when the NHTSA scrutinized potential safety issues with the Fisker Ocean. In April 2024, the agency received complaints regarding malfunctioning door handles on some Ocean vehicles.

The NHTSA’s preliminary evaluation will involve a comprehensive examination of the scope and severity of the reported AEB malfunctions. This will include an analysis of available data from Fisker, a review of engineering specifications, and consumer complaints.

The investigation could culminate in several potential outcomes. The NHTSA may close the investigation if it determines the risk is negligible. Alternatively, the agency might compel Fisker to recall affected vehicles to rectify the AEB malfunction. The NHTSA could expand the investigation or even impose fines in more serious cases.

The news of this investigation has generated concern among Fisker Ocean owners and potential buyers. The company has yet to publicly comment on the NHTSA’s investigation. However, Fisker will likely cooperate fully with the agency throughout the investigation.

The coming weeks and months will be crucial in determining the outcome of this investigation. Close monitoring of the NHTSA’s findings and any potential actions taken against Fisker will be essential to ensure the safety of Fisker Ocean drivers and address any identified risks.


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