Turkish Economic Confidence Down 5.2% in August

Turkish Economic Confidence Down 5.2% in August

August 29, 2023: The Turkish economic confidence index decreased by 5.2% in August, according to data released by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK). The index, which measures the economic confidence of businesses and consumers, stood at 94.1 in August, down from 99.3 in July.

Several factors, including rising inflation, concerns about the economy, and the depreciation of the Turkish lira, drove the decline in economic confidence. Inflation in Turkey reached 73.5% in June, the highest level in 24 years. The Turkish lira has also lost about half its value against the US dollar in the past year.

The decline in economic confidence is a worrying sign for the Turkish economy. It could lead to a slowdown in investment and consumption, further hurting the economy.

Here are some actionable takeaways:

  • Businesses should be prepared for a slowdown in economic activity.
  • Consumers should be cautious about spending money.
  • Investors should be careful about investing in Turkey.

Here are some practical takeaways for businesses:

  • Businesses should focus on reducing costs and improving efficiency.
  • Companies should also focus on attracting and retaining customers.
  • Businesses should also be prepared to adjust their business plans if the economy worsens.
  • The decline in economic confidence is a setback for the Turkish economy. However, there are still some things that businesses and consumers can do to mitigate the impact. They can help protect themselves from the economic downturn by taking action.


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